Thursday, January 1, 2009


So a while back I was walking through my house. I found myself stopping and backing up to peek around the doorway into one of the rooms. Sitting there was a most delightful little elf. She was looking around and humming to herself. She seemed to be waiting for someone.

ME: "Uh, hello, may I help you? You seem to waiting for someone. You will have to excuse me but I am little surprised to find someone in my house that I was not expecting."

She looked up at me and laughing softly said:

"Sorry, I was not expecting anyone to be here. Yes, I am meeting a friend. Oh dear, where are my manners? My name is . . . ."

Just then Robin appears from out of no where and shouts

"Esie, you made it. You came!" and then he hurtled himself into her arms.

After a few moments he settles himself beside her and they start having a most convivial conversation.

At this point I cleared my throat:

"Ahem, excuse me. Would someone please tell me what is going on?"

They both look up a bit embarrassed

Robin clears his throat and says

"I am so sorry. I totally forgot my manners!! This is my friend Esie. Actually, her name is Esmarelda but she prefers Esie. Esie, this is my friend Anne. She owns the house where I stay."

Esie gives a little smile and a wave

ME: "Hello Esie. Please to meet you."
Esie, shaking hands: "Likewise. Sorry to have startled you earlier."

Robin: "Esie has come for a little visit."
ME: "How nice. Esie, I hope you enjoy your visit."

Well, Esie must have really enjoyed her visit because she is still in residence at the house. I must say I do not mind. It has been a pleasure to have both of them there.