Saturday, August 23, 2008

UPDATE - Updated Sept. 20, 2008

Originally posted July 29, 2006 on the blog "Billy the Brown Bear"

Since my friend, Anne, is no longer dealing with problems at the house I thought I better get caught up. I have a few pics to post so here goes.

Here is a pic of Gage and myself at a Writer's group from a couple of weeks ago.

Here I am with my really cool shades.

This pic is my friend Sylvester and Tangeriane. Sylvester is my friend who was visiting with me last weekend. Tangeriane had come to the Writer's group with Mysti. They seem to have hit it off and spent a bit of time chatting. I'm glad Sylvester had a good time.

After Writer's group we went on a picnic. Sylvester and I enjoyed ourselves by just chillin' at the park.

A couple of bummers happened last Saturday. One of them happened at the picnic when Marmie became a guacamole hog and would not share. Anne did come to our rescue and made Marmie share. The other was that the batteries died in the camera and so we could not take any more pics. After the picnic we went for a visit at Gage's house and had a very enjoyable time.

This should bring things up to date. I decided to just kick back at home today, so no further travels. Since the batteries are now recharged in the camera, check back later and see what happens next.

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